
Showing posts from 2018

What are the backend process while downloading a file ?

When we are requesting for a file over the server,some backend process are happened at that time.Those are explained below. 1.FTP client's user interface communicates with the protocol interpriter (PI),which maneges the control connection. 2.PI translate any application-specific commands to the RFC architect FTP commands and then communicates these control commands to the FTP server. 3. The FTP server's PI interprets these commands and then initiate the appropriate processes to service the client request if the request require the transfer of data,data management is performed by the DTP on both the client side and server side application. 4. After the completion of the data transfer the data connection is closed and control is returned to the pic of the client and server application. 5. Only one data transfer can occur for each data communication if multiple data transfer are required for a single FTP season one distinct control connection will be opened for each t

What is machine-to-machine communication?

Machine-to-Machine communication is one of the important building blocks in IoT. It is a type of communication where the communication takes place without the interaction of the human being. The machines are connected through a network and they are sending signal among them and according to the signal, the actuation is done. source- nptel This types of connections are adopted by the industries where the huge amount of work is required in short time. Machine-to-Machine communication is designed for cross-platform integration . source-IoT training institute Bangalore There are many examples of machine-to-machine connection like - Environmental monitoring Automation of building Agriculture Home networks Security purpose  source- nptel Explanation of the picture: There are two running cars on the road and they have them different sensors. For some reason, the accident happened and two cars are colloid. Signals are sent to the remote servers. From the remote

What is LAN and WAN ?

LAN stands for Local Area Network is a computer that is interconnected between another computer and make a local networking area. source-webomedia Local Area Network covered a small area like a school, college, library etc. Local area networks are helping to provide services for small institutions. How To Set Up LAN- At first, go to the control panel. then go to the homegroup. In the home group option-click the advanced sharing settings. Turn on the network discovery and file, printer sharing. Save the changes. source-NEO technologies WAN stands for Wide Area Network . This network is the collection of LAN . It is a telecommunications network. It is distributed over a large area. As the LAN works similarly the WAN also works, WAN also used TCP/ IP addresses protocols for setup the network. source-webomedia How To Set Up WAN: To set up a WAN you need a service provider who supplies a link to your location. The service provider will show you

What is Actuation ?

The actuation is the process by which the actuator accept the electrical signal and convert it into the mechanical energy. Like when some amount of electric is given to an electric motor then an electromagnetic field is created and for this electromagnetic field, the core of the motor is started to rotate. There are some type of actuator those are explained below with diagram-                                            Hydraulic Actuator Pneumatic Actuator                                                                                                           Electrical Actuator Thermal or magnetic Actuator   Hydraulic Actuator- From the heading, all can understand that this actuator is worked under the liquid substance. Due to the liquid substance, the actuation process is started.  Here is an example of hydraulic actuator- In this example, there is two pressure point one on the left side and another on the right side. When pressure is g

Sensing and errors

The internet of things is based on two main concepts that are sensing and actuation . The sensing and actuation are totally mutually dependent. If sensing is the reason then actuation helps to produce the result. The definition of sensing may be stated as a sensor detects or senses the condition of its peripheral condition in other words    " A device which detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates or otherwise respond to it -Oxford dictionary ". All the sensors take some input from the environment or sense some physical changes. The senses act as a stimulus to a sensor for example heat is converted into electrical signal or pressure is converted into electrical signal. All the stimulus are converted into electrical signal. For converting the physical signals into the electrical signal there is a component that is called transducers. The transducer converts the energy of one kind into another energy.  Sensors vs Transducer : The sensor is t

IOT (Internet Of Things)

The internet of things(IoT)  is the interconnection between the electronics devices via a common network. All the devices are connected to the network and exchanges data between them. The items are embedded with various types of sensors, software, actuators and an internet connection. Research says that there will be 30 billion devices and the global market value will be $7.1 trillion by 2020.                                                              source- Basically, the IoT is the wireless is the connection between the physical devices. It is the convergence of multiple technologies like machine learning, deep learning, embedded system, real-time analytics. The application of IoT creates a great and smart way to change the office and homes into a smart a smart office and also into a home.