What is LAN and WAN ?
LAN stands for Local Area Network is a computer that is interconnected between another computer and make a local networking area.
Local Area Network covered a small area like a school, college, library etc. Local area networks are helping to provide services for small institutions.
How To Set Up LAN-
- At first, go to the control panel.
- then go to the homegroup.
- In the home group option-click the advanced sharing settings.
- Turn on the network discovery and file, printer sharing.
- Save the changes.
source-NEO technologies
WAN stands for Wide Area Network. This network is the collection of LAN. It is a telecommunications network. It is distributed over a large area. As the LAN works similarly the WAN also works, WAN also used TCP/ IP addresses protocols for setup the network.
How To Set Up WAN:
- To set up a WAN you need a service provider who supplies a link to your location. The service provider will show you various types of plans, you can choose as you need. Common services are T1 and Fl and Frame Relay.
- A router is must needed. If the service provider install a router for your wifi but still you need a router to provide the address to the different LAN.
- On the internet supply then the router will supply all the address to the different LAN and form a WAN.
to be continued................
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